Novar Gardens

Tile Roof Painting – Restoration

  • Location: Novar Gardens
  • Job Description: Full Roof Restoration on a 25 year old Monier Homestead concrete shingle roof. The original shingle roof was colour brown but had really faded to almost orange over its 25 year life. The Monier Homestead Tiles being a “colour through” tile tended to fade faster than other tile types that were glazed. The tiles do however respond very well to the new coating when applied. We used the Dulux Acratex Hi-Build primer on the job. It really helps with blocking and priming the tile surface so that the true colour of the Acratex Monument can sit on top rather than being absorbed into the tile. This one turned out particularly well and is a real head turner in Novar gardens.
  • Finished Colour: Dulux Acratex Roof membrane in Monument
Before After



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